Saturday, January 07, 2006

End of Cycle!

Today's workout finished off my first 6-week cycle! I was just on the brink of pushing the overtraining envelope. It was a GREAT cycle, but I'm glad to be starting something completely new to me on Monday!

Shoulders & Calves
Arnold Press 20x15 25x10, 10 30x8 35x5
KB Clean n Press 26'sx8, 12, 5, 10*
Upright Row 40x12, 12 50x10, 10
KB Snatches 26x12 36x5, 8 26x10

Standing Calf Raise 120x20 160x15 220x12 240x10
ss w/ Seated Calf Raise 25x15, 15 45x10, 10

Duration: 57 min.
Strength=9.0 Energy=9.0
Total Sets Delts=17 Calves=8

*Last set, didn't reclean between reps

Friday, January 06, 2006

Legs, Legs, Legs!

Final leg day of my 6 week cycle. Totally spent and ready for a nap!

Swings 36x15, 10 53x12
Double Cleans 36'sx10, 5
Power Cleans 36'sx5, 5, 6
BB Squat 140x5 160x5 180x5 200x3 160x10
Pyramid Deadlift 70x10, 12, 5, 12, 10
1: Front Squat 36'sx6, 8, 10, 5, 8
2: KB 1-Leg SLDL 36'sx6, 8, 10, 5, 8
Walking Lunges 26's 1x down gym floor & back
Farmer's Lunge 26's 1x down & back

Duration: 1 hr 20 min
Strength=9.5 Energy=8.8

TGIF! Diet

0830: 3 egg whites & 1 whole egg, 1 slice WW bread, 1 packet low-sugar oatmeal

*2c coffee

1200 Preworkout: 1/3c homemade granola, 1/2c soymilk, 2.5 oz chicken breast, 1/4c spanish rice


1530 Postworkout: 2 tbsp jam, 1/2 Macrobolic RTG (21g carbs, 15g protein)

1730: Roast beef sandwich - 2 slices WW bread, 1 slice 2% singles cheese, 1 tbsp lite mayo, 2 oz roast beef deli meat

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Bi's Tri's & Traps

Had a good workout today. Strength and energy made for a pretty intense training session.

Barbell Curl 45x12, 10, 10 55x6 65x4
Straight Bar Cable Curl 35x12 40x10, 10 45x10

BW Dips 10, 10, 8
Reverse Grip Tri Press Downs 40x15 45x12 50x10, 8 40x12

DB Shrugs 35'sx12 45'sx10 50'sx10 55'sx8 60'sx8

Strength=9.5 Energy=8.8
Duration=40 minutes
Total sets Bis=9 Tris=8 Traps=5

Thursday's Diet

Feeling a little better today - sinuses are starting to clear up a bit.

0845: 1/2c homemade granola, 1/2c soy milk, 1/2 scoop Probolic protein, 1 sf snack pack

*2c coffee

1200: 3 oz chicken, 1/2c spanish rice

1445 Preworkout: 1/4c oats, 1/2c Dannon lite n fit, 1 tbsp FiProFlax, 1/2 scoop Probolic protein

1700 Postworkout: 1/2 serv. MHP Macrobolic MRP, 2 tbsp jam, 1 banana

1915: 1/2 vegetarian sandwich - veggies w/ gorgonzola cheese on foccacia

2100: 6 egg whites, sprinkle of cheddar cheese, 2 slices WW bread

2230: 1 SF snack pack, 1/2 scoop Probolic protein

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Off-Season Training Phase 2 - NO Machines!

(Not that I use many machines anyway - usually just T-bar machine, Free Motion stuff for shoulders/lats, and the cable crossover machine.)

I will begin this training phase on Monday - can't wait!

Phase 2: Jan 9-
Length: <6 weeks
Focus: Strength
Split: 4 days of weights + sport-specific training
(May cut it shorter than 6 weeks if I feel the need.)

This split will go around 4 core exercises (military press, squat, deadlift, bench press) that I will perform nearly every workout, with a different order and emphasis on each workout. Supplemental work will be added for shoulders, back and quads.

Military Press

Supplemental: KB Front Squat, KB 1-leg SLDL

Incline KB Bench Press
T-Bar Row
Military Press

Supplemental: Pushups, Snatches

Incline KB Bench Press
T-Bar Row

Supplemental: KB Double Row

Military Press
Incline KB Bench Press
T-Bar Row

Supplemental: Snatches, Renegade Row

I'll perform 3 sets of the Core exercises and 4 sets of any supplemental exercises. Supplemental exercises listed above are just examples; they will vary for every workout. Total sets for each workout will not exceed 25 sets.

Wed - Full Body Kettlebells

Tri Set:
Pullups + Pushups + BW Squat 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1

Swings 26x20 36x20 53x20 36x20

Russian Mil Press 36x5ea. 36x1ea. 36x5ea. 36x1ea. 36x5ea.
Front Squats 36'sx5 36'sx4 36'sx3 36'sx4

Snatch 26x8ea. 26x10ea. 36x5ea. 36x6ea. 26x12ea.

Farmer's Deadlift 53'sx 1 time down length of gym & back

Duration: 1 hr 10 min
Strength: 9.0 Energy: 8.5
*Head cold left me feeling a bit drained of energy

Wednesday's Nutrition

Noticed a cold coming on yesterday, so I started hitting up the Zicam, Vit C, and Immune Boost supps. Woke up with crazy sinus congestion, but not enough to deter me from training!

0800: 1/2c oats, 1/2 scoop Probolic protein, 3 oz Carb countdown 2% milk

1000: 1 medium apple (just a snack since I was cramming this in before a client)

1115: 1/2c 1% cottage cheese, 1 WW english muffin w/ 1 tbsp Natty PB

Postworkout: 1/2 packet MHP Macrobolic MRP

1545: 4 egg whites, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1 slice WW bread, 1 packet low sugar oatmeal w/ 2 oz soy milk

1855: 1/2c 1% cottage cheese, 1/4c Dannon lite n fit, 1 tbsp FiProFlax

2000: 1c cornbread stuffing (yum!)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tuesday - Diet

Going into DC to do a demo at a GNC from noon-3pm, so training is switched to tomorrow and today will be a rest day.

0810: 1/2c oats, 1/2 serv. MHP Probolic-SR, 2 oz low-lactose milk

*2c coffee

1030: 1 tbsp PB on 2 slices WW bread.

1330: 1/2 Macrobolic bar.

1500: other 1/2 of bar.

1700: 1/2 footlong subway turkey on wheat (lettuce, tomato, gr. pepper, black olives, lite mayo)

1900: other 1/2 of footlong.

2045: 1 SF snack pack w/ 1/3c cottage cheese & 1/3 scoop Probolic protein

Monday, January 02, 2006

Monday's Training

Back & Chest today. Week 6 of my first training phase, and my body needs a break. Elbows, knees and shoulders have been taking a beating since about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Looking forward to reduced volume and a refreshing change with my strength phase.

Back & Chest
Freakin' kick-a** workout!!!!!! Best in a long time!

Ladder Pullups 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2
ss w/ Pushups 4, 8, 12, 16, 4, 8
Oly Bar T-Bar Row 70x15 80x15 95x10 115x8 125x8
Flat BB Bench Press 65x15 75x12 85x10 105x5 125x5
1-Arm KB Row (R,L) 26x12ea. 36x10ea. 36x10ea. 53xR=8;L=6,2
ss w/ KB Incline Bench on Swiss Ball 26'sx12 26'sx10 26'sx10 36'sx8
Close-Grip Lat Pulldown 70x12 80x10 90x10 120x4-drop-110x3-drop-90x3

Strength=9.8 Energy=9.8
Total Sets Back=19 Chest=15
Duration=58 mins.

Monday's Diet

Diet today is not so great. Went to work this morning with only a protein bar since I woke up late and didn't have time to prepare food. At 4pm I was only eating my 3rd meal, and it ended up being a big one since it's preworkout.

0830: 1/3c oats, 1/3 scoop MHP Probolic

1230: MHP Macrobolic Bar

1600 Preworkout: 3/4c spanish rice, 1/2c refried beans, 3 oz 93% lean beef, 2 tbsp FF sour cream, handful of lettuce, sprinkle of cheddar cheese

2000 Postworkout: 1/2 serv. Macrobolic MRP (16g protein, 20g carbs, 4g fat); 2 tbsp Jam

2115: 2 slices turkey bacon, 4 egg whites, 1 slice WW bread

Day's Totals: 41g fat, 183g carbs, 103g protein, 1479cals


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