Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Off Season, baby!

I had a GREAT time at Jr Nationals! Stayed with two new friends and all-around awesome chicks - Dixie and Laticia. Ready to refocus in the off-season and keep on keepin' on. I won't be hitting the stage again until 2009.

I am welcoming the break after 3 competitions in an 8 week period! I am taking it easy this week as I ease into off-season. My biggest concern is controlling the post-show weight gain! I want to get up to 148 lbs. slowly and maintain that off-season weight until next year when I start dieting again.

Cardio: I am leading a Running Club at my gym. We are preparing for the Army Ten-Miler in October, and we're currently running about 2.5/3 miles twice per week.

Fitness Routine Skills: I will resume gymnastics lessons mid-July and practice 1-2 times a week on my own to learn some new strength moves for next year.

Lifting: I haven't defined the next split in my training phase yet, but for the next 1 1/2 weeks I'll be laying off on volume and frequency, doing several circuit-style workouts. After vacation, I'll resume training in mid-July as my first full training phase of the off-season.

Gotta enjoy the summer!


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