Friday, March 24, 2006

Wk 5, Day 5 - Legs

A little less focus on volume and a bit more on intensity today. Weight was a little lighter than usual, and we didn't squat today.

A1: KB Swings 36x15 53x15 70x10 70x10-53x10-36x10
A2: KB Clean n Jerk 36x4,4 53x5,5 53x3,3 53x4,4 2-36'sx8
KB Pyramid Deadlift 36x16 53x10 53x10 70x10 70x10
B1: KB Front Squat 2-36'sx6 2-36'sx6 2-36'sx6 2-36'sx6 2-36'sx6
B2: Romanian Deadlift 53x6 53x6 53x6 53x6 53x6
Snatch 36x10,10
Alternating Lunge 36x10,10
Swings 36x30

Duration: 1 hr 10 min.

Friday's Diet - Medium

0700: 1/3c oats, 20g MHP Probolic, 2 oz soy milk (188)

0900: 4 oz yogurt, 1/2c cottage cheese, 1/8c Kashi Nuggets cereal (192)

1115 Preworkout: 5 egg whites, 2/3c kale, 1/3c brown rice (200)

1415 Postworkout: 1 scoop MHP Simply Whey, 1 packet sugar (153)

1630: 2.5 oz lean beef, 1c kale (170)

1815: 2/3c cottage cheese, 1/2c peaches (136)

Wk 5, Day 4 - Back & Chest

AM - 1 hour routine training

PM - Back & Chest
Close Grip Lat Pulldown 80x15 90x12 100x10 100x8
Incline DB Bench Press 35'sx12 40'sx10 45'sx8 50'sx8*
1-Arm DB Row 40x12 45x10 50x8 50x8
Hammer Chest Press 25'sx15 35'sx10 45'sx8 45'sx8
FM Row 50x15 60x12 70x10 70x10
ss w/ FM Chest 40x10 40x10 40x10
Traditional Deadlift 140x10 160x8 160x8
Seated Cable Row 70x12 80x12 100x10

Duration: 1 hr 2 minutes
Total Sets: Back=18 Chest=11

Wk 5, Day 3 - Shoulders & Calves

Seated DB Press 30'sx12 35'sx10 35'sx10 40'sx8*
Full Range Laterals 12'sx10 12'sx10 12'sx10
Upright Row 50x10 50x10 50x10 50x10
ss w/ DB Bent Laterals 10'sx10 10'sx10 10'sx10 10'sx10
Rope High Row 60x12 60x10 60x10
Donkey Calf Raise 100x20 140x15 180x12 220x10

Duration: 33 minutes
Total Sets: Delts=18 Calves=4

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Wednesday's Diet - High

0745: 1/2c oats, 20g Probolic protein, 2 oz soy milk (234)

1030: 4 oz yogurt, 1/2c cottage cheese, 1/8c Kashi Nuggets cereal (192)

1300: 2.5 oz ground turkey, 1/2c brown rice (209)

1500 Preworkout: 1 packet cream of wheat, 1/3c cottage cheese, 1/2 tsp flax oil (178)

1800 Postworkout: 1 scoop Simply Whey, 1 packet sugar (153)

2000: 4 egg whites, 1/3c oats, 1c strawberries (198)

2200: 2/3c cottage cheese, 15g Probolic protein, 1 oz soy milk (178)

TOTALS: 27g fat, 141g carbs (18g fiber), 136g protein

Wk 5, Day 2 - Power & Conditioning

Power Clean n Jerk
Unilateral Clean n Push Press
Walking Swings w/ Pushup & Ab Intervals

Duration: 1 hr. 15 min.

15 minutes flexibility work

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tuesday's Diet - Medium

0630: 1/3c oats, 1/3 scoop Probolic protein, 1 oz soy milk (148)

0830: 1/3c cottage cheese, 4 oz yogurt, 1 medium apple (195)

1255: 5 egg whites, 1 slice turkey bacon, 1 ww tortilla (166)

1430: 1/3c oats, 1/3c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax oil (181)

1645 Postworkout: 1 oz Simply Whey, 1 packet sugar (138)

1830: 2.5 oz ground turkey, 1/2c spinach, 1/3c brown rice (200)

2045: 1c cottage cheese, 1/2c strawberrries (187)

TOTALS: 28g fat, 125g carbs (24g fiber), 130g protein

Monday, March 20, 2006

Wk 5, Day 1 - Arms

Worked out at home tonight. Arms are about the only body parts I can do with my limited equipment at home, and still get a complete workout - pretty cool!

Barbell Curl 45x12 45x12 55x8 55x6
EZ Bar Curl (Bar weighs ~ 25#) 45x8 45x8 45x10 45x12
DB Alternating Curl 10'sx20 10'sx20

Lying Tri Extension 35x12 40x10 (Last 2 sets, regular skullcrushers) 40x10 40x10
ss w/ Close Grip Bench 35x15 40x15 40x15 40x15
Bench Dips (Unstable) 2 sets of 15

Duration: 37 minutes
Total Sets: Bis=10 Tris=10

Monday's Diet - Low

0815: 1/3c oats, 1/3 scoop MHP Probolic, 1 oz soy milk (148)

1230: 1/8c Kashi Nuggets, 1/2 scoop MHP Probolic, 4 oz yogurt (183)

1430: 1 small apple (63)

Preworkout 1530: 1/3c brown rice, 2 oz chicken (164)

Postworkout 1845: 1c skim milk, 1 scoop MHP Simply Whey (216)

2045: 1/2c cottage cheese, 4 oz yogurt, 1/3 scoop MHP Probolic, 1c strawberries (230)


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