Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday's Training: First Day, New Split

I’m on a new 7-day split which I just started today. I chose Back and Bis to start since I’d trained them the furthest out this week and they were well-rested.

Wide Lat Pulldown 40×15-55×15; 85×12; 85×12; 100×8; 90×10
Underhand Iso Lateral Hammer Rows 35’sx12; 45’sx12; 45’sx10; 45’sx12
1-Arm DB Row (R,L) 35×15ea; 45×12ea; 45×12ea
Lat Pulldown Crunches (weight in kg) 50×12; 60×5-50×5; 50×8
Alternating DB Curl 25×8ea; 20×8ea; 20×10ea; 20×6,1,1ea
Incline Double DB Curl (#5, ~60 degree angle) 15’sx9; 15’sx7,3; 15’sx9

Total time=55 minutes
Rest B/W sets=90 seconds
Back=15 sets
Biceps=7 sets

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday's Training: Shoulders & Calves

Grow moo-moos, grow! I have reinstated calf training in one final attempt to add some size... ANY SIZE... on to them!

Seated DB Shoulder Press 25'sx15; 35'sx10; 40'sx8; 30'sx8,2
Kettlebell Double Standing Press 26'sx10; 26'sx8(push on last rep); 26'sx8(push on last 2 reps)
DB Scaption 15'sx12; 15'sx10,2; 12.5'sx10,2; 12.5'sx8,2
Free Motion Shoulder Press 45x12; 45x8; 25x15

Donkey Calf Raise 100x20; 180x13; 220x12; 280x12
Seated Hammer Calf Raise 30x12; 50x12

Rest b/w sets: 90 seconds
Shoulders=14 sets
Calves=6 sets

Wednesday's Training: Morning Run; Evening Legs

Had to get in some cardio since I didn't run Monday and didn't have routine practice Tuesday, since my friend at the gymnastics center is on vacation. Felt great about today's workouts...

11:00am - Ran 2.8 miles in 25:57 (My goal is to keep it under 26 minutes. I run a loop that disects at two intersections, so the entire run is equally split up into 4 parts. For me to keep it under 26:00, I have to hit each marker by 6:30 and the halfway obviously by 13:00.

4:20pm - LEGS!!! I'm finally getting my old volume up and feeling pretty good about it. My goal for legs is to get all the muscles and nerves firing properly and together in my right leg. I have an injured hip w/ lots of scar tissue there, so the adductor wants to take over everything, and the quads have difficulty fully contracting. I think I found the answer - unilateral work!

Smith Machine 1-legged Squat (R,L) 10'sx15ea; 15'sx12,10; 25'sx12,9
Hammer Narrow Hack Machine 25'sx15; 25'sx15; 45'sx12; 45'sx12
BB Front Squat 95x8; 95x8; 95x8; 95x8
Standing Unilateral Leg Curl (R,L) 10x10ea; 10x10,12; 15x10,12
Leg Extension 50x12; 70x11; 70x9; 90x7-70x3
ss/ with Right Leg Extension 10x7; 10x8; 15x7; 20x5-10x5

Total Sets=18 (22 right leg)

Tuesday's Training: Chest, Triceps, Abs

I backed off on volume a little bit this week, but intensity is still pretty high.

DB Incline BP 25'sx15; 35'sx12; 45'sx10; 50'sx7
Free Motion Pushup x9; x8; x10
Hammer Chest (Regular) 25'sx12; 30'sx10; 30'sx8,2; 35'sx7.5
DB Flat Fly 15'sx15; 17.5'sx10; 20'sx8; 20'sx9
*The weight might seem light on these, but I go for a really deep stretch and hold it for a second at the bottom before coming back up. The most effective part of the fly, in my opinion, is the bottom stretch and that initial 6" coming back up. After that, the arms become perpendicular to the ground and the load is lessened.

Reverse Grip Pressdown 50x15; 55x10; 60x6-50x4; 50x7,3
Hanging Leg Raise (straight, then bent) x15,5; x10,5; x10,5


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday's Training: Back & Biceps

I took the entire weekend off training. This was my first rest day since last Saturday, so I think I earned it! Kept on track with diet this weekend. Only had 1 beer and 2 pieces of pizza all weekend. :) Ate about 2000 calories Saturday and around 1600 Sunday. Here's the workout from yesterday (Monday):

Straight Arm Pressdown 35x15; 35x10; 35x10
Assisted Wide Grip Pullups 75x12; 70x8; 55x8
T-Bar Row (Floor) 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12
1-Arm Lat Pulldown (R,L) 25x13,11; 25x12ea; 25x12,11; 25x12ea
EZ Barbell Curl 40x12, 40x12
Rope Curl 15x12, 15x12, 10x15

Back=14 sets
Biceps=5 sets
Time=40 minutes


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