Friday, June 30, 2006

Diet for Saturday - Yum!!!

Diet for Saturday, July 1

Depending on wake-up time…

0630 OR 0700: 1/2c oats, 20g MHP Protein, 1 scoop glutamine (212)

(If eaten at 0630, add in snack at 0730 of 12 Quaker minis) (80)

0800-0930 – Routine Practice

1000 Postworkout: 15g whey, 2 multi-grain rice cakes (157)

1145: 1/3c cottage cheese, 1/3c oats, 1 tsp flax oil (181)

1345: 1.5 oz chicken, 1/3c brown rice, 4 oz cc yogurt (194)

1545: 1 oz chicken breast, 1c green beans, 12 baby carrots (126)

1745: 1/4c cottage cheese, 1 container SF Pudding, 1/4c oats (168)

1930: 5 egg whites, 1c broccoli, 2c salad greens (143)

2100: 1/2c cottage cheese, 10g MHP Protein (121)

TOTALS: 25g fat, 175g carbs, 128g protein

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Friday's Diet

Last low, torturous day, then I go back up Saturday!!! :)

0600: 1/3c oats, 15g MHP Protein, 1/3c cottage cheese

0800: 4 egg whites, 2c green beans

1000: 2.5 oz chicken, 1c kale

1200: 2 oz chicken, 2c green beans

1400: 1 boiled egg, 1.5 oz chicken

1600: 3 egg whites, 1/2c green beans

1730 Preworkout: 1/3c oats, 1/3c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax

1645-1815 - Quads/Hams/Calves, Mini-Routine (abs/flexibility)

1945 Postworkout: 15g whey protein, 1 plain rice cake

2100: 1/2c cottage cheese, 10g MHP Protein

TOTALS: 24g fat, 100g carbs, 155g protein

Next Week's Training Outline

Week 3 of 4: July 3 – July 6
Mon 0730: Routine* (Lisa R.) 1700: Delts/Tris/Calves
Tue AM: Pow/Cond?, Mini-Rout. 1700: OFF
Wed AM: OFF 1645: Back/Bis/Calves, Flx (Liza 1815)
Thu 0700: Routine* (Lisa R.) 1700: Mini-Routine, Str/Flx*

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Thursday's Diet

And yet another low day! :(

0600 Preworkout: 1/2 premade shake (1/4c oats, 1/2 scoop MHP)

0700-0830 - Fitness Routine Training

0845 Postworkout: Other 1/2 shake, 1/3c cottage cheese, 1 rice cake

1030: 2.5 oz chicken, 2c brocc/cauli

1230: 4 egg whites, 1c brocc/cauli

1430: 2.5 oz chicken, 1c kale

1630 Preworkout: 1/4c oats, 1/3c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax

1715-1815 - Mini Routine Practice, Flexibility & Abs

1900: 4 egg whites, 2c salad greens

2045: 1/2c cottage cheese, 10g MHP Protein

TOTALS: 21g fat, 99g carbs, 152g protein

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Wednesday's Diet

Back down to low carbs. :(

0600: 1/3c oats, 15g MHP Protein, 1/3c cottage cheese

0815: 4 egg whites, 2c green beans

1015: 2.5 oz chicken, 1c kale

1215: 2 oz chicken, 1.5c green beans

1400: 1 boiled egg, 1.5 oz chicken

1600 Preworkout: 1/3c oats, 1/3c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax

1645-1815 - Back/Bis/Calves, Abs & Flexibility

1815 Postworkout: 15g whey protein, 1 plain rice cake

1930: 1/2c cottage cheese, 10g MHP Protein

2100: 3 egg whites, 1/2c green beans

TOTALS: 24g fat, 100g carbs, 155g protein

Monday, June 26, 2006

Tuesday's Diet

Today is one of two weekly high-carb days. I get to go all the way up to 150g - woo hoo!

Numbers: 125p, 150c, 20-25f

0600 Preworkout: 1/2 Premade shake (1/4c oats, 1/2 scoop MHP Protein - 132 cals)

0700-0845 - Fitness Routine Practice with Lisa Reed; 15 minutes Posing

0845 Postworkout: Other 1/2 shake, plus 1/4c cottage cheese & 1 multi-grain rice cake (223)

1030: 1.5 oz chicken, 1c kale, 1/3c brown rice (170)

1230: 2 oz chicken, 2c green beans (159)

1430: 1 oz chicken, 1/3c brown rice, 4 oz asparagus (126)

1615 Preworkout: 1/3c oats, 1/3c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax oil (181)

1730-1845 - Full Body Power/Conditioning with Dylan Thomas;
30 minutes Flexibility work

1900 Postworkout: 15g whey protein, 2 multi-grain rice cakes (157)

2100: 1/2c cottage cheese, 10g MHP Protein (121)

TOTALS: 23g fat, 152g carbs, 126g protein

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Monday's Diet

0600: 1/3c oats, 1/3c cottage cheese, 15g MHP Protein

0815: 4 egg whites, 2c broccoli

1030: 2.5 oz chicken, 1c kale

1245: 2 oz chicken, 1 whole egg

1500 Preworkout: 1/3c oats, 1/3c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax oil

1730 Postworkout: 20g whey

1900: 4 egg whites, 2c salad greens

2045: 1/2c cottage cheese, 10g MHP Protein

TOTALS: 23g fat, 78g carbs, 153g protein

Sunday's Diet

0725: 1/2c oats, 15g MHP Protein

0915: 4 egg whites, 2c green beans

1115: 2 oz chicken, 1/2c brown rice

1315: 2.5 oz chicken, 5 oz asparagus

1515: 1/2c cottage cheese, 1 container SF Jell-O Pudding

1715: 2 oz chicken, 4 oz asparagus, 1 container CC yogurt

1915: 1 whole egg, 4 egg whites

2100: 1/2c cottage cheese, 10g MHP Protein

TOTALS: 23g fat, 102g carbs, 150g protein


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