Friday, April 14, 2006

Wk 8, Day 5 - Legs


Swings 53x15 53x15 70x10
Double KB Deadlift 2-53x10 2-70x12 2-70x13 2-70x8 2-53x1minute
BB Squat (Wide) 135x8 155x7 165x5 165x6 135x14
Pyramid Deadlift 53x1minute 70x30seconds 53x1minute Drop:70x30seconds-53x30seconds-36x30seconds
Snatch 26x8(L,R) 2-26x5 2-26x10 2-26x11

Friday's Diet - Carb Up

Going a little higher in carbs today - nothing crazy like a refeed or anything - just enough to refill my glycogen to get me through the day's training. I also got to sleep in today!

0730: 1/3c oats, 20g MHP Probolic protein (165)

0915 Preworkout: 1/3c oats, 1/2c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax oil (209)

-Train Legs @ 1000

1115 Postworkout: 25g MHP Simply Whey, 2 tsp honey, 1 rice cake (179)

1300: 2 oz chicken breast, 1/3c oats (171)

1500: 5 egg whites, 1/2 bell pepper, 1 tbsp peanut butter (199)

1645: 2 oz chicken breast, 1/2c brown & wild rice (158)

1900: 2.5 oz chicken breast, 2c lettuce, 1/2 bell pepper, Mom's 0-cal dressing (140)

2045: 1/2c cottage cheese, 15g MHP (141)

TOTALS: 29/123(18)/154

End of Week Check-In (Apr. 14)

Weeks Out: 9 (Jr. Nationals), 13 (Team Universe)
Weeks Complete: Diet-3; Training-8
Starting Weight: 152.0 lbs.
Today's Weight: 148.0 lbs.
Total Loss This Week: 1.5 lbs.
Total Loss to Date: 4.0 lbs.
Estimate Left to Goal: 11.0 lbs.

Estimate Goal Weight: 137 lbs.
Average Weekly Loss Goal: 1.5 lbs.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wk 8, Day 4 - Shoulders & Calves

Shoulders & Calves
DB Shoulder Press 35'sx10 35'sx10 35'sx10 40'sx8
Upright Row 50x12 50x12 60x9 60x8
FM Shoulder Press 40x12 45x10 45x10 45x8
Rope High Row 60x12 65x12 65x12 70x12

Standing Calf Raise 120x15 120x12
*Quit set early - calves were sore from routine practice. Today was sort of a backoff day from the normal high volume/high intensity. My body needed a little break!

Duration: 35 minutes
Total Sets: Shoulders=16 Calves=2

Other Training Today
Fitness Routine Practice - 75 minutes + 15 minutes stretching (1 1/2 hours)

Wk 8, Day 3 - Back & Chest

Close Grip Lat Pulldown 80x15 90x12 100x10 100x10 110x8
T-Bar Row (BB) 95x12 105x10 105x10 110x8
Incline DB Bench Press 35'sx12 40'sx10 45'sx10 50'sx8
Flat BB Bench Press 75x12 95x10 105x9 125x8
ss w/ Underhand BB Row 70x12 90x12 90x12 105x8
FM Lat 1-Arm Row (R,L) 35x15 45x15 60x12 60x10
FM Pushup 15, 10, 9.5

Duration: 1.25 hours (Trained with friend)
Total Sets: Back=17 Chest=11

Other Training Today:
Worked on routine choreography & dance for 30 minutes, plus 20 minutes deep stretching & splits.

Thursday's Diet

0630: 1/3c oats, 20g MHP Probolic (165)

-Fitness routine training 8:00am-9:30am

0915: 1/8c oats, 1/2c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax oil (155)

1100: 2.5 oz chicken breast, 1/2 bell pepper (127)

1300: 2 oz chicken breast, 2c brocc/cauli (138)

1500 Preworkout: 1/3c oats, 1/3c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax oil (192)

-Train Shoulders & Calves (light)

1800 Postworkout: 25g Simply Whey, 1 tsp honey (123)

1900: 4 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 ww tortilla (193)

2045: 1/2c cottage cheese, 10g MHP Probolic protein (121)

TOTALS: 30/96(23)/150

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wednesday's Diet

0615: 1/3c oats, 20g MHP (165)

0815 Preworkout: 1 packet cream of wheat, 1/2c cottage cheese, 2 tsp flax oil (188)

1100 Postworkout: 25g Simply Whey, 2 tsp honey (144)

1300: 5 egg whites, 1/2 bell pepper, 1 ww tortilla (154)

1515: 2 oz chicken breast, 2c green beans (159)

1700: 1/4c oats, 1/3c cottage cheese (141)

1900: 2 oz chicken breast, 1 tbsp peanut butter (179)

2045: 1/2c cottage cheese, 15g MHP Probolic (141)

TOTALS: 30/130(27)/147

Tuesday's Diet

0630: 1/2c oats, 20g MHP, 2 oz soy milk (234)

~Light Routine Practice (choreography & dance) - 20 minutes

0900: 5 egg whites in 1 tsp olive oil, 1 cucumber (141)

1100: 1.5 oz chicken breast, 1/4c brown rice, 2/3c brocc/cauli (136)

~Routine Practice (strength moves, choreography & dance) – 30 minutes

1300 Preworkout: 1 packet cream of wheat, 1/2c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax oil (245)

~Train Power & Conditioning - 1 hour

1445 Postworkout: 25g MHP Simply Whey, 2 tsp honey (157)

1630: 2.5 oz lean beef, 1c green beans (138)

1830: 6 egg whites, 1 bell pepper (131)

2100: 1/2c cottage cheese, 15g MHP Probolic protein (121)

TOTALS: 31/113(18)/150

Monday, April 10, 2006

Wk 8, Day 1 - Bi's/Tri's/Calves

Barbell Curl 45x12 45x10 55x8 55x7
DB 1-Arm Preacher Curl (L,R) 15x12,12 17.5x10,10 20x8,8
DB Alternating Curl (L,R) 20'sx13,11 20'sx10,8 20'sx9,8

Dips 12, 10, 8
Lying Tricep Extension 30x12 30x12 40x8 40x8
1-Arm Reverse Grip Press Down 10x15,15 15x15,15 15x12,12

Donkey Calf Raise (Toes Out) 120x20 180x15 220x10
Seated Calf Raise (Toes Out) 25x20 35x15 45x15,5

Duration: 63 minutes
Total Sets: Bis=10 Tris=10 Calves=6

Other Training Today:
1. Worked on fitness routine choreography & dance, plus strength move drills and light flexibility for 30 minutes.
2. 20 minute run in the PM.

End of Week Check-In (Apr. 7)

Weeks Out: 10 (Jr. Nationals), 14 (Team Universe)
Weeks Complete: Training-7; Diet-2
Starting Weight: 152.0 lbs.
Today's Weight: 149.5 lbs.
Total Loss This Week: 1.0 lbs.
Total Loss to Date: 2.5 lbs.
Estimate Left to Goal: 12.5 lbs.

Estimate Goal Weight: 137 lbs.
Average Weekly Loss Goal: 1.5 lbs.

I also took photos on Friday at the gym. I'll post them to my message board and link to it in a little while.

Monday's Diet

0715: 1/3c oats, 20g MHP, 3 oz soy milk (199)

0935 Preworkout: 1/4c oats, 1/2c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax oil (209)

Train Bi's/Tri's/Calves
(Started late - had 1 tsp honey during workout)

1230 Postworkout: 25g Simply Whey, 1 tbsp honey (166)

1430: 2 oz chicken breast, 1/4c brown rice, 1 cucumber (159)

Routine Training - 90 minutes

1635: 2.5 oz lean beef, 2c brocc/cauli (154)

1815: 2 oz chicken breast, 1/4c brown rice, 1c brocc/cauli (166)

1945: 5 egg whites, 1 ww tortilla (132)

2100: 1/2c cottage cheese, 15g MHP Probolic (141)

TOTALS: 30/131(26)/154


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