Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wk 8, Day 4 - Shoulders & Calves

Shoulders & Calves
DB Shoulder Press 35'sx10 35'sx10 35'sx10 40'sx8
Upright Row 50x12 50x12 60x9 60x8
FM Shoulder Press 40x12 45x10 45x10 45x8
Rope High Row 60x12 65x12 65x12 70x12

Standing Calf Raise 120x15 120x12
*Quit set early - calves were sore from routine practice. Today was sort of a backoff day from the normal high volume/high intensity. My body needed a little break!

Duration: 35 minutes
Total Sets: Shoulders=16 Calves=2

Other Training Today
Fitness Routine Practice - 75 minutes + 15 minutes stretching (1 1/2 hours)

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