Monday, April 10, 2006

Wk 8, Day 1 - Bi's/Tri's/Calves

Barbell Curl 45x12 45x10 55x8 55x7
DB 1-Arm Preacher Curl (L,R) 15x12,12 17.5x10,10 20x8,8
DB Alternating Curl (L,R) 20'sx13,11 20'sx10,8 20'sx9,8

Dips 12, 10, 8
Lying Tricep Extension 30x12 30x12 40x8 40x8
1-Arm Reverse Grip Press Down 10x15,15 15x15,15 15x12,12

Donkey Calf Raise (Toes Out) 120x20 180x15 220x10
Seated Calf Raise (Toes Out) 25x20 35x15 45x15,5

Duration: 63 minutes
Total Sets: Bis=10 Tris=10 Calves=6

Other Training Today:
1. Worked on fitness routine choreography & dance, plus strength move drills and light flexibility for 30 minutes.
2. 20 minute run in the PM.


buffdiva said...

Hi Alissa,
Just found your blog through your forum pages! Very fun. thanks for sharing so much. You are a huge inspiration. I am doing my first figure show on June 10th of this year. Possibly going to try fitness next year.
I am attending Jr Nationals the weekend after my show! Can't wait to cheer you on in person!

Lissa said...

Hey Tanya,

Thanks for checking out my blog and introducing yourself. Only 9 weeks to Junior Nationals! You'll get lots of inspiration there. :) Thanks for the support and best of luck in your competition!



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