Friday, March 24, 2006

Wk 5, Day 5 - Legs

A little less focus on volume and a bit more on intensity today. Weight was a little lighter than usual, and we didn't squat today.

A1: KB Swings 36x15 53x15 70x10 70x10-53x10-36x10
A2: KB Clean n Jerk 36x4,4 53x5,5 53x3,3 53x4,4 2-36'sx8
KB Pyramid Deadlift 36x16 53x10 53x10 70x10 70x10
B1: KB Front Squat 2-36'sx6 2-36'sx6 2-36'sx6 2-36'sx6 2-36'sx6
B2: Romanian Deadlift 53x6 53x6 53x6 53x6 53x6
Snatch 36x10,10
Alternating Lunge 36x10,10
Swings 36x30

Duration: 1 hr 10 min.

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