Saturday, January 07, 2006

End of Cycle!

Today's workout finished off my first 6-week cycle! I was just on the brink of pushing the overtraining envelope. It was a GREAT cycle, but I'm glad to be starting something completely new to me on Monday!

Shoulders & Calves
Arnold Press 20x15 25x10, 10 30x8 35x5
KB Clean n Press 26'sx8, 12, 5, 10*
Upright Row 40x12, 12 50x10, 10
KB Snatches 26x12 36x5, 8 26x10

Standing Calf Raise 120x20 160x15 220x12 240x10
ss w/ Seated Calf Raise 25x15, 15 45x10, 10

Duration: 57 min.
Strength=9.0 Energy=9.0
Total Sets Delts=17 Calves=8

*Last set, didn't reclean between reps

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