Thursday, December 29, 2005

Thursday - Back Attack!

Was planning to do back & chest today, but my chest was SO sore from I don't know what - all I did was pushups Monday and close-grip bench (3 sets) yesterday. In any case, I dropped chest and did a solo back workout... and a very good one it was!

T-Bar Row w/ Oly Barbell 60x15 75x15 95x12 120x8, 8
Oly Barbell Row 60x15 70x12 90x8 100x8
1-Arm DB Row (R, L) 30x12 35x10 45x8 50x7
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 70x12 80x10 90x8 100x7,1

Total Sets=17
Strength=9.0 Energy=9.0 Duration=35 minutes

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