Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wednesday's Training: Run; Chest/Tris

Workout #1: Morning Cardio
Off to a good start today. Weather was a bit cool, windy and overcast but still a great day to run. I did my favorite 2.8 mile loop on the running path. Finished in 26:50.

Workout #2: Chest/Tris
I had some Graston done on my left hammy today, so the chiro wanted me to do some knee flexion to encourage the new tissue to lay down properly.

Had a pretty good workout today. Killed chest. Intensity could've been a tad higher near the end, but I ran out of time to finish since people were talking to me and I had a client immediately after. Maybe I'll hit triceps a little tomorrow, or friday after shoulders.

Leg Curl - Seated 40x15, Unilateral 10x10ea., Lying 50x10

Incline DB BP 25'sx15; 35'sx12; 45'sx9; 45'sx7
Hammer Wide Chest Press 15'sx20; 25'sx15; 25'sx15; 35'sx12
1)BOSU Pushup x12, x12, x13
2)Flat DB Fly 15'sx10; 15'sx10; 15'sx12
EZ Tricep Extension 30x12
V-Bar Tricep Pressdown 30x12

Hams=4 sets
Chest=14 sets
Triceps=2 sets

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