Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tuesday's Training: Routine Practice; Back/Biceps/Abs

Workout #1: Routine Practice (12:00-13:00)
I do a general warmup (sprinting, jogging, lateral foot work) for about 5 minutes, then specific dynamic warmup plus stretching for 10-15 minutes. The rest of my practice (45-50 minutes) is dedicated to working on new strength moves. I'm not trying to build my conditioning as of yet.

Workout #2: Back, Biceps, Abs (18:15-19:00)

I used to always do my pullups first, but had a hard time isolating my lats. Now I pre-exhaust with straight-arm pressdowns and my lats are killing me by the last set of pullups. I favor unilateral work since my right side is a little less developed. I always do the right side first and do 2-3 extra reps on every set for the right side.

Straight Arm Pressdown 50x15; 60x12; 65x12
Assisted Pullups (Wide Overhand Grip) 90x12, 80x12, 70x8
Hammer Low Row 45'sx12; 45'sx10; 45'sx10; 45'sx10
DB 1-Arm Row (unsupported) (R,L) 35x12,10; 45x10,8; 40x11;10
Free Motion Narrow Lat Pulldown 60x12, 60x9, 60x10
EZ Bar Curl 40x12, 50x8
Rope Curl 45x12, 40x10
Hanging Leg Raises (straight up high, superset with bent) x15; x8,4; x8,4

Back=16 sets
Biceps=4 sets
Abs=3 sets


Tori said...

So, I realize I'm commenting on an old post BUT I'm reading through all of your old posts..I'm a newcomer and I wanted to thank you for your blog. I LOVE that you have your weights listed because it helps me to know that I'm not THAT far behind! :) I'm working toward an attainable goal so thank you!!!

Tori said...

(Alissa, I'm not sure if I screwed up my first comment so I'll send it again)

I'm new to your blog so I'm reading through all of your old posts...

I wanted to thank you for listing your weights on your exercises because it helps me to know where I am and how far I have to go....I'm not THAT far away from my goals!

So thank you for your blog!!!


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