Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wednesday's Diet

Goal weight for this week is 149, and I checked in today at 150 even, so I have a pound to lose in 2 days! Carbs will be kept at 100g for the rest of the week.

0730: 1/3c oats, 20g Probolic protein, 2 oz soy milk (189)

0930: 5 egg whites, 1.5c broccoli/cauliflower (123)

1100 Preworkout: 1/3c oats, 1/2c cottage cheese, 1 tsp flax oil (225)

Train Power/Conditioning @ 1200

1345 Postworkout: 25g MHP Simply Whey, 1 tsp honey (140)

1530: 2 oz chicken breast, 1c spinach (141)

-Short 20 minute routine practice

1730: 1/4c brown rice, 1c cucumber, 2 oz chicken breast (175)

1915: 3c lettuce, 2.5 oz lean beef, 2 tbsp salsa (129)

-Short 15 minute run

2100: 1/2c cottage cheese, 4 oz yogurt (142)

TOTALS: 29/104(21)/147

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