Monday, January 09, 2006

Day 1 of New Cycle

Wow, what a change with this new training phase! It was really difficult psychologically to force myself to train this way. I did have a great workout, very exhausting! Looking forward to tomorrow now just as much.

Day 1 - Military Press (+ Chest, Biceps)
Warmup: Swings 26x20 36x20
Standing BB Military Press 65x9 85x5 85x5
Pullups 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1
BB Squat 135x5 135x5 155x4
Deadlift 135x8 165x6 185x4

Supplementary Work
Incline DB Bench Press 30'sx12 40'sx10 45'sx7
Hammer Strength Chest Press 25'sx12 45'sx6,2 45'sx6
EZ Bar Curl 50x8 50x8 60x4
Alt DB Curl 15'sx9 15'sx8 20'sx5

Duration: 58 minutes
Total Sets Core=12 Supp=12

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