Tuesday, February 07, 2006

19 Weeks Out!

Well, it's that time again - only 19 weeks until Jr. Nationals! This week, I'll be setting my baseline diet and adding in sport-specific training.

For the next 2 weeks, I'll be in active detraining by performing super high intensity workouts with lower weights. Then, I'll switch gears into a little more volume while keeping the intensity moderate.

125-150g Protein
150-175g Carbs
35g Fat

Weight Training
Next 2 weeks:
M - Day 1 - Shoulders/Arms/Calves
W - Day 2 - Chest/Back
F - Day 3 - Legs

Sport-Specific Training
Week 1 of 6:
1x 15 min. Full-Body Plyometrics
1x 1 hour Yoga
1x 1 hour Routine Skills (30 min. Flexibility, 30 min. Strength)

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