Thursday, December 08, 2005


Welcome to my new training blog! Here you can follow me along in all of my training and dieting in detail, to see what I do to prepare for a fitness competition.

My next competitions will be:
-NPC Junior National Championships, June 2006, Chicago (Figure)
-NPC Team Universe Championships, August 2006, NYC (Fitness)

I am in Phase 1 of my 18-week off-season training program. Each phase will last 6 weeks and focus on different goals. Phase 1 is a moderate-intensity/moderate-volume program to capitalize on the "anabolic wave" of post-contest.

Phase 1 - Nov. 28 - Jan. 6

Weight Split
Mon - Back & Chest
Tue - Full Body Kettlebells
Wed - OFF
Thu - Biceps, Triceps, Traps
Fri - Quads & Hams
Sat - Shoulders & Calves

Sport-Specific Training
Tue - Gymnastics
Wed - Ab/Core Training, Strength Moves, Flexibility Work
Thu - Ab/Core Training, Strength Moves, Flexibility Work
Fri - Yoga, Flexibility Work
*Ab/Core Training is done 3-5 times per week

Off-Season Nutrition
125-150g protein
150-200g carbs
-40g fat

My current supplement list is pretty minimal. Just coming off competition season, I like to give my body a break from as many supplements as possible. In addition, most of my muscle-building will occur by following a detailed and properly timed diet.

-Centrum Performance Multi-Vitamin (AM)
-Animal Pak Multi-Vitamin (PM, Pre-workout)
-MHP Probolic-SR Protein (2 times daily)
-MHP Macrobolic Protein Bar (1 per day)
-MHP Releve joint aid (1-2 doses per day)

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