Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Week 1, Day 2 - Delts, Legs

Great workout today, though I got to the gym feeling tired and crappy... I left feeling great! :)

Rehab: 5 minutes stretching (AM), chiropractor adjustment (PM)

Start: 1935
Finish: 2010

Seated DB Shoulder Press 30x12 30x12 35x6 35x7
KB Double Press 26'sx6 26'sx6 26'sx8(Push last 4)
Upright Row 50x12 50x12 60x8 60x6,2
Standing DB Reverse Laterals 12.5x12 12.5x12 15x10
Seated Leg Curl 70x12 70x12 70x12
ss w/ Leg Extension 50x12 60x10 60x10

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