Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Next Phase

My "official" precontest training phase begins next Monday, Feb. 20. I am definitely motivated and excited about the change. One of the great side benefits of periodization is NEVER getting bored with a current training program. It's still why, for me, weight training will always and forever be the meat and potatoes of my fitness program, whether I'm competing, losing post-pregnancy weight, or squatting as a 75-year old granny. (Which I can guarantee now that I will be doing at that age!)

So here goes. This next phase will be a 4-day split, still allowing me enough time for sport-specific training. I am throwing in a complete core and conditioning day to assist with strength and power development for my fitness routine, while helping me keep the volume high for shoulders, back and legs. Here's the split:

Mon - Power/Conditioning & Core Work
Tue - Chest/Back
Wed - Off
Thu - Legs
Fri - Shoulders/Arms

Not sure where calves will fit in, but I want to train them twice per week. Ab work will be done on Monday, as well as on Wednesday's routine practice day.

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