Thursday, October 18, 2007

A few changes to be made

I thought on it for a few days, and with the perspectives of a few good friends slightly altered my game plan for the next 4 1/2 weeks prep for Nationals.

-Leg training: slightly lower weight and up intensity; add plyos and 2nd lower-body plyo workout
-Cardio: 2 full-blown routine practices (currently doing this), 1 mini practice (opt) or Run, Run 3x per week
-Diet: I was VERY low carb before, going between 50-75g every day. I plan to cycle b/c I think the higher days will help me come in harder and fuller. I will go up to 100g probably twice a week.

Other than that, it's just stick to what I do for the next month. I will alter my peak week diet a bit and begin carbing up earlier, and also since prejudging is Friday night it will change some things.

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