Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tue, Aug 22

Phase 2, Week 2
Day 2 – Cardio, Abs

0545: 1/3c oats, 1/2c cottage cheese, 2 tsp flax oil
0800: Kashi Go Lean nut roll (5g fat, 28g carbs, 6g fiber, 12g protein)
1000: 2/3c cottage cheese, 15 raisins, 1/3c oats
1220: Tuna Salad, 2 saltine crackers, Diet Dr. Pepper
1450: 1 medium plum, 1 cheese stick
1630: 1/2c cottage cheese, 4 oz CC yogurt, wheat germ, 1 tbsp peanut butter
1720: 1 bowl Raisin Nut Bran, 4 oz unsweetened soy milk
1930: Luna bar
2055: 1 egg, 3 whites, 2 slices turkey bacon

Supplements: Added Lipoic Acid and Soy Isoflavones to supplement program today.
Shaklee Multi-vitamin/Mineral
L-Glutamine, 2-3 5g doses
CoQ10, 2-60mg doses
Melatonin 40mg
In Food: Flax oil/ground flax seed, whey, casein/soy, wheat germ

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