Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Wednesday - A Compromise

Feeling MUCH better today, and chagnged my split up again so I can hit everything in 4 days instead of 5. Today was shoulders and triceps, and I left with an awesome pump!

Shoulders & Triceps
DB Shoulder Press 20'sx15 30'sx10 35'sx8 35'sx8
KB Clean n Press 26'sx8 36'sx6 26'sx8 26'sx6
Upright Row 40x12 50x10 50x10 40x10
Reverse Laterals 10'sx15 15'sx12 12'sx15
BW Dips 9, 8, 7
Reverse Grip Press Downs 40x12 40x15 45x12 40x15

Shoulders=15 sets Triceps=7 sets
Strength=8.5 Energy=8.0 Duration=48 mins.

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