Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Weekly Update - 10 Weeks Out

Here we go again. Last week went well. Nothing very exciting - what can I say? I'm in the zone, trucking along. Can't do a weigh-in yet since I'm holding a lot of water due to my monthly visitor. Hopefully when I weigh in Friday I will be down around 146!

Routine training is going great. Just this week I really started to notice changes in everything pulling together. Skills are getting better and conditioning is drastically improving. It takes tons of patience to do fitness. You train long, hard hours and have little to show for it until 1-2 weeks later, then you start noticing gradual, subtle improvements.

Everything else is going good and is extremely uneventful - which is the way I like it. :)

Now under the 10 week mark for the Maryland Show, I feel confident that I will come in this season at my best ever. I'm usually 3-4 weeks behind where I am in my dieting right now, so I'm definitely a happy camper. :)


Anonymous said...

I am really impressed at your dedication...keep it going! I wish I could do it!!

Vanessa said...

I came across your blog and I have to say that I am impressed on how your body is shaping over the last couple years. It would be great to see your progress pics as well. I also am getting ready for my first figure show in Sept. Check out my blog at http://vanessafitness.blogspot.com/

krista said...

hey alissa...
love reading your training updates...kind of gives girls an idea of how to benchmark their own progress. i am 6 weeks out from a figure comp at end of sept...it will be my first competition, so i'm getting nervous. i know you can't see me, so it's hard to judge where i am, but i'm 5'6" and about 141lbs right now. i won't have a problem getting to 135 by comp time, but do you think that is too heavy to go in? i've seen some girls my height compete @ 125lbs and some @ 135lbs...i'm very* lean on top and have good definition...really focusing on my legs...i'm not naturally a very tiny girl, so i'm a little afraid that 125 will be too lean...and i might not be able to get there and still retain my muscle...what would you suggest?

Claudine said...

Hello There!
Just found your blog :) I'm on my way to my first figure competition... and I find what you write very inspiring!


Lissa said...

Adrienne - You can do it, too!

Vanessa - Best of luck to you. Your first show is a great memory and I hope you enjoy it. I will check you out!

Krista - Glad I can help. :) You sound kinda like me - trying to compare and overanalyze. Just keep doing what you do and the biggest things are patience and consistency. Everyone carries weight differently so your look at 125 could be too thin. But, we learn as we go in this sport and get better and better each time.

Claudine - Thank you, and best wishes!


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