Thursday, July 20, 2006

Off-Season Eating

I'm gradually incorporating my off-season foods back into my diet. Now that I will have an indefinite amount of time off, I want to maintain about 10-13 lbs. over my contest weight of 133 lbs. Here is today, so far:

Thursday, July 20, 2006

0545: 1/2 c oats, 20g MHP, 4 oz soy milk (257)
0800: 4 oz cc yogurt, 1/2c cottage cheese, 1/4c muesli (214)
1030: Atkins protein bar, ½ banana, ½ tbsp PB, 1 multi-grain rice cake (311)
-Starbuck’s grande skim latte w/ SF Vanilla (mmm!)
1300: 3 oz grilled chicken breast, 2c mixed veggies, 1 plum (245)
1430: 2 multi-grain rice cakes, 2 tsp PB (163)

Subtotal: 31, 152, 94

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