Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Christmas, as we all know, is the biggest holiday of the year in America. But most people still hide behind the commercialization and forget the true meaning of the American Holiday of Christmas.

Here is the definition taken from

Christ·mas /ˈkrɪsməs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kris-muhs] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion for exchanging gifts.

I noticed that the new version adds the second sentence, but what they can never do is take away the first. This is THE celebration of our Savior's birth! Whether you are Christian or not, you cannot deny the root of the celebration. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a non-Christian Christmas - it's an oxymoron!

Here is my favorite hymn this holiday season. It struck me on the radio two days ago and I had to find the lyrics again. It's called "Mary, did you know?"

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Did you know
That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
That your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered
Will soon deliver you

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Did you know
That your baby boy will calm a storm with His hand?
Did you know
That your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little boy
You've kissed the face of God

Mary, did you know?
The blind will see
The deaf will hear
And the dead will live again
The lame will leap
The dumb will speak
The praises of the Lamb

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Did you know
That your baby boy will one day rules the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding
Is the Great I Am

Friday, December 14, 2007

Week 3 Training

Fell behind on last week's training so I'm a day behind everything now.

Mon: Mil Press & Shoulders, Calves
Tue: Squat & Quads
Wed: AM - 2.2 mile run (20:06); PM - Gymnastics
Thu: Bench Press & Chest
Fri: Deadlift & Back, Biceps
Sat: Run or Rest
Sun: Rest

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Off Season Week 2

Week of Dec. 3 - Dec. 9

Mon: Rest
Tue: AM - Run (2.2 miles, 22:14); PM - Squat
Wed: Gymnastics
Thu: AM - Run (2.2 miles, 20:14); PM - Bench Press
Fri: Deadlift
Sat: Shoulder Press
Sun: Rest

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Off Season Week 1

Here's the schedule for this week:

Monday: Squat
Tuesday: Bench
Wednesday: Run day - 2.25 miles on treadmill, 23 minutes
Thursday: Military Press (or Clean n Press)
Friday: Deadlift
Saturday: Run/Walk Cardio Combo (25 min.)
Sunday: Rest

Training - 'Big Four', Gymnastics, Running

Well I had a nice extended break over the past two weeks. I managed to get in 3 workouts each week but took 5 straight days of rest surrounding Thanksgiving. I think that's the biggest break I've had in about a year. :) This week starts the first of my new training phase. I am focusing on three main areas:

Lifting - Big Four - Will consist of the 4 basic lifts: squat, bench press, deadlift, military press and each workout will be followed with auxiliary work for the same and agonist body parts. Days: M, Tu, Th, F.

Gymnastics - I've been wanting to train my routine skills year-round but previously lacked the space, time, coach, and good health. I have all four of these now: my injuries are mostly healed, I am working from home full-time, I have a gymnastics center to train at and a coach available to give me private lessons. I should start next Wednesday and will work with him once a week indefinitely. Days: Wed

Running - To keep my weight down in the off-season and just to stay in good cardio shape, Dave and I are entering the Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler in April. So, I want to start running now and begin building up distance and lowering time in mid-January or so. For the rest of the year I'll try to run just 1-2 times per week (about 2-2.5 miles per session) to maintain, but the frequency will go way up starting in January. Days (not set strictly): Any days I'm available and feel like it!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nationals Pictures

I had a GREAT time at Nationals! I placed 6th in the deepest class of fitness and was honored to compete among the nation's best. I will report more later, but here are loads of pics in the meantime.

I'm #21. Black/gold sparkly 1-piece and rust red/orange 2-piece.

Routine -
2-piece -
1-piece -



(Scroll down to women's fitness 1 piece and women's fitness 2piece)



Saturday, November 10, 2007

6 Days Out

Started peak week today. Weight this morning was 136.5. (Down 3.5 lbs. from my last show 4 weeks ago.) Measurements dropped drastically - went from 37.5" bust to 36", 31.5" band to 30", 37.5" hips to 36", and waist is 26.5". On a 5'7" frame those are pretty good! I feel I've met my goal for conditioning and just need to time my peak right to come in at my all-time best - woohoo!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

8.5 Days Out... I am ready!

This has been the best prep experience in my 5 years of competing. I am calm, relaxed, composed and poised to rock the stage in Dallas! I know many of us Type A's get the "more is better" mindset and I did nearly the opposite this year... taking rest days when I should train, adding in carbs when I felt I needed them and eating "forbidden" foods up to 2 weeks out. Well, I will be presenting my most complete, conditioned physique, best presentation, and by far most entertaining, difficult and energetic fitness routine. All while ENJOYING the process (as much as one can enjoy a process such as this!). I have made some big changes this year and I'm pretty sure they will serve me well in the eyes of the judges, but even if not I am very happy and satisfied with all the hard work and improvements that year off garnered me. And, I am proud to say I am doing it as a 100% natural athlete!

On track for Nationals

Wow, I am only 13 days out! What happened in the last year?! It flew by like a vapor in the wind. I can say I have never been this calm and prepared prior to a show, especially a show of this caliber. By God's grace He has brought me through some rough circumstances to mold me and develop my character. Of course, we always like to win, but I am going into the show to have fun and do my best. Hopefully that will result in a pro card, but if not that's OK because I will continue competing and improving regardless. And... I get to throw down for Thanksgiving, pro card or not! wink.gif

It's funny, once I got my life right by putting God first, my perspective on life and every situation has completely changed. Now, rather than changing the situation, I am able to remain neutral in whatever circumstance and know that it doesn't matter what happens, because God is with me, and my eternal life is secure in Him. Kinda makes everything else seem rather trivial from the eternal perspective.

Thanks to you all for being supportive and for keeping me inspired and motivated. We all learn from and feed each other, which is another reason I love this sport!

Progress Update - Since the MD show on Oct. 13, my physique is much tighter and sharper, and I've gone down approximately 3 lbs. (137.7) I hope to weigh in at 135 prior to starting peak week next Saturday. After running my routine at the Yorton, I am confident in my conditioning/endurance, and have been working on fine tuning and cleaning up the flow of the transitions. It's been a great and fairly easy contest prep! For peak week, my plan is to be a bit more generous/risky with my early-week carb-up and start carbing Friday morning so I'm full and tight enough for Friday PM prejudging. Let's hope it works! smile.gif

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A few changes to be made

I thought on it for a few days, and with the perspectives of a few good friends slightly altered my game plan for the next 4 1/2 weeks prep for Nationals.

-Leg training: slightly lower weight and up intensity; add plyos and 2nd lower-body plyo workout
-Cardio: 2 full-blown routine practices (currently doing this), 1 mini practice (opt) or Run, Run 3x per week
-Diet: I was VERY low carb before, going between 50-75g every day. I plan to cycle b/c I think the higher days will help me come in harder and fuller. I will go up to 100g probably twice a week.

Other than that, it's just stick to what I do for the next month. I will alter my peak week diet a bit and begin carbing up earlier, and also since prejudging is Friday night it will change some things.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Post-comp reflections & the way ahead

Well, it's two days after my show and I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life. Why? Other than trying to focus on the anxiety of winning, I already knew going into the show that my true identity and worth was already defined and rooted and would not change based on the outcome of the show. For once, I had no stress and felt joy and peace as I focused on having fun, being friendly, encouraging others, and simply performing my routine with enjoyment. I had time to reflect on my personal journey - the discipline, effort and hard work that, through God-given strength, I was able to endure with very little difficulty and to stay balanced and focused on my personal relationships and responsibilities. Thank God for his grace and strength! I hope to continue to be able to bless myself and others through my passion and love for this sport. It is a blessing that I have been given the physical and mental strength and tools to participate in such a rewarding activity, and to be able to reflect God's glory and be an example of Christ to others.

And once I realized all of this, I decided that my prep will not change over the next 5 weeks until the Nationals. I will "do what I do" and keep working hard and improving, week by week, and hope to have another awesome experience in Dallas!

Thanks for listening and sticking with me through my journey. And special thanks to Heather M. for letting me know she reads (and actually enjoys) my silly little journal. ;)


Friday, October 05, 2007

7 Days Out...

Well it seems like I just typed the first entry in here just a month or so ago - wow, how time flies! My warm up show is under 2 weeks away. I debated doing a local show before Nationals... many warn against it as you can "tarnish your reputation" if a black horse shows up and you don't win. Well, I opted to ignore the naysayers for several reasons: first, I wanted my local family and friends to be able to see me compete since I haven't done a local show since 2004; second, I am focusing on competing for fun and not as much heavy pressure; third, it's cheaper!

Anyway, I am so blessed to have my friend Heather doing this show with me. She's a trooper and competed in Late July and early August but is hanging on so we can do this show together! My closest friends and family will be there, so I want to go into this show with no pressure (or as little as possible) and just enjoy the day and reflect on the journey thus far.

As for how I look/feel, I've never felt more composed and at peace, and I believe my physique is on point - not too big/hard but good conditioning. That's all I can do, is control how I come in. My weight today was 139.8 - can't believe my off-season high was around 163 *gasp!* I'm a bit scared to do my own peak week diet, but I've done it all this far so I have to be sure of myself and ignore the doubts and indecision that tries to creep in.

Thanks to those of you who are tracking with me and reading my babbling nonsense.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Weekly Training

I'm now just under 4 weeks out from the warmup show and 9 weeks out from NATIONALS! Decided to start logging my training on paper so I can keep track of how many sessions of what I am doing, now that I'm increasing the frequency. Running is back in and I am going to add in a 3rd weekly routine practice, once I can get to the gymnastics facility to train.

Mon: AM - Shoulders; PM - 25 min. Run
Tue: PM - 60 min. Fitness Routine (conditioning-focused)
Wed: AM - Back, Calves; PM 25 min. Fitness Routine
Thu: AM - 30 min. Fitness Routine, 30 min. kettlebell conditioning
Fri: AM - Gymnastics; PM - Legs
*Second run will be Wed or Fri

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Feeling Great!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while - a few of you have been "bugging" me. ;)

I am doing GREAT. I had my wisdom teeth (all 4, 2 were impacted) pulled 1 1/2 weeks ago and had to stall on diet/training for about 5 days, but I am in full gear and hard-charging now!

This is my 3rd day at the house working from my home office and I can't believe how BUSY I am. I'm busier than I was working at NGB, because I have so many things to do that my brain thought of over the past 6 months and put on hold until I had time, which is now. I am loving it though! It will be a learning experience to find a balance and set my schedule and will probably take a few weeks to find a comfortable rhythm.

OK, about show prep. I am 4.5 weeks out from my warm-up show. I feel a lot different going into this one. I don't feel RIPPED but I do feel lean and tight. It's kind of odd. Maybe the muscle I put on in the off-season is skewing my image of how I should look right now. In any case, I am relaxed, not stressed or worried and will get to see what I need to tweak for Nationals in less than 10 weeks!

My weight as of yesterday is 143.7 and can you believe when I first started with my baseline beginning of June I was close to 160?! For this first show I will aim to come in slightly under 140, perhaps 138. I don't know for sure, I just tweak things as I go!

Fitness Routine is coming together quite nicely. Conditioning is much better than anticipated after a 2-week layoff due to the oral surgery. Strength and flexibility are there, just need to keep it all when I run all-out routines. And that, my friends, is nothing but ENDURANCE and kick-your-butt sport conditioning that makes you want to throw up and/or pass out. But, I LOVE it and would never willingly give up competing in Fitness!

Well, gotta get back to work but I'll try to check in next week with updated pics from my two photoshoots (one 2 weeks ago and one this coming Saturday).

God Bless!

Friday, August 24, 2007

7.5 Weeks Out

Last weekend was a great time - Dave and I went camping in the Shenandoah Mountains aka "Blue Ridge." We had two killer hikes on Sunday that he called "stairmaster from hell" and I enjoyed (maybe a little too much!) some hot dogs and S'mores!

I am on the straight and narrow from here on out. I'm down to 146.1 (another half pound) and have been carb-depleting this week for a photo shoot tomorrow. The shoot will be fun, but I'm more eager to see my dieting progress so far since I don't have any pics yet!

Fitness routine is coming together. At practice yesterday, despite carb depletion, I had a crisp routine that flowed with lots of strength and energy. Endurance is still kickin' my butt but that is normal. Got 9 more weeks until my guest performance which is plenty of time to build it up (did it in 3 1/2 last year - THAT was suicide!).

Dave and I made a BIG decision within the past 2 weeks... I will quit my job at the Bureau and come back to working from home full-time with the Fit Figures business, and PT'ing at the gym and in-home part-time. We both feel that this is the direction God is leading me/us so that we can spend more time with each other and focus on keeping our marriage strong and healthy. Being a natural overachiever, I always pull myself in every direction and stretch myself too thin. I didn't realize the negative impact it was having on the rest of my life! I am excited and more than happy to give up my gobmint job if it means peace and stability in my life. Please pray for us that God provides what we need financially as we transition through this major step of life.

Thanks for reading! :)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Weekly Update - 10 Weeks Out

Here we go again. Last week went well. Nothing very exciting - what can I say? I'm in the zone, trucking along. Can't do a weigh-in yet since I'm holding a lot of water due to my monthly visitor. Hopefully when I weigh in Friday I will be down around 146!

Routine training is going great. Just this week I really started to notice changes in everything pulling together. Skills are getting better and conditioning is drastically improving. It takes tons of patience to do fitness. You train long, hard hours and have little to show for it until 1-2 weeks later, then you start noticing gradual, subtle improvements.

Everything else is going good and is extremely uneventful - which is the way I like it. :)

Now under the 10 week mark for the Maryland Show, I feel confident that I will come in this season at my best ever. I'm usually 3-4 weeks behind where I am in my dieting right now, so I'm definitely a happy camper. :)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Weekly Update - Monday, July 30

12 weeks out... another week down and another 2 lbs. lost - woohoo! This prep is going GREAT so far. I hope I don't jinx myself. :)

I struggled at the beginning of the week. I figured I'd get in the 140's within the first day, but the scale didn't budge Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday... I finally hit on Saturday, and weighed in again Sunday morning for the new low of... 148.6! So in 8 days I lost another 2.3 lbs. Yeah, I'm happy!

Training is going well. I'm trying to pace myself because my natural tendency is to keep going and pushing harder and for more, but if I do that this early on I'll burn myself out. I got all my workouts in this past week - 3 lifting sessions, 3 routine practices and 2 runs. Intensity was a little lower on my routine practices to avoid that burnout feeling, and so I could focus on little pieces of choreography and repetitions of strength moves. I decided to take this AM off from running, but I feel great and will be back in the gym tonight to train back and abs with my BF Andrea.

Started a new supplement on Saturday - Nutrex NIOX. My client Linda RAVES about this stuff, so I have to see what all the hype is about! It's a liqui-cap NO2 stimulant. I haven't noticed a stimulant effect from it, which is good for me, but I'm not sure it's making me fuller and harder yet. I think it's too early on to tell.

Wish me luck this week! I have another loaded schedule but I have no doubts God will bring me through it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Weekly Update - Mon. July 23

Well, last week was a good solid week of training and diet that I can check off the list! Got all my priority workouts in and lost 2 lbs.! End of week weight was 150.9. Stayed clean on the weekends but didn't count anything. Had two cheat meals (one each Sat. and Sun.) - Mahi Mahi w/ broccoli & brown rice from T.G.I.F. and salad bar w/ broccoli/chicken/cheese quiche from Ruby Tuesday's.

This week is starting off good too, but today was my first hungry day. I guess you can only get so lean before it catches up with you. But, it's all part of prep. Can't weight to weigh-in this week and see the changes I've made. Definitely tighter already than last week. Middle abs are coming in and hips/thighs are still getting smaller.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Back in Action! (14 Weeks Out)

OK, a lot has happened since my last post. I am over my cold (but I do have lingering sinus congestion) and I spent last weekend in Seattle training with Tanji Johson and her team of experts. It was a blast! She choreographed a PHAT routine for me that I love and it suits me to a T. I also worked with her gymnastics coach and a breakdancing guy to teach me skills to hone some new moves for this season - yeah!


Got back in da gym on Monday with a vengeance. I dunno, something about being around a top 5 in the world fitness pro gives you a little motivation! Monday was Back & Abs, today was my first routine practice and I had a blast. 90 minutes of conditioning, dance, stretching, and drills and I wanted to stay for more but I was too tired (and had to shower & go to work - bummer). So the plan is 3 90-minute routine & skills practices per week, 2-3 cardio sessions and my 3 major lifting sessions (back, shoulders, legs).

I want to start working with a gymnastics coach if I can find one that's a good fit, and I want to take dance classes once a week to keep my body used to moving that way so I flow smoother and more naturally. This week my friend Heather and I will try out a local hip-hop class on Friday - should be great fun!

So, here's the current split. No set days, depends on when I'm not training clients (my second job next to my 9 hour gobmint job).

Lifting Sessions
1. Back, Abs
2. Shoulders, Calves
3. Legs

1. 3 90-minute sessions
2. 1 60-minute dance class
3. (Opt.) 1 gymnastics class (will substitute for cardio or routine)

Additional Cardio
1. 2 20-minute runs

That amounts to 9 training sessions per week. One of my routine practices is Saturday AM and Sunday is my only complete rest day.


My progress was plateaued for a while and it shot ahead over the past 2 weeks. Here's a quick chart of my fat loss so far:

Apr. 24 - 165 lbs. (max weight after cheat weekend!)
Jun. 6 - 158.5 lbs.
Jun. 23 - 156.3 lbs.
Jul. 11 - 154.7 lbs.
Jul. 17 - 152.3 lbs. (14 & 19 weeks out)


I am doing a very low carb diet but my energy is still sky-high. I like this approach and will add food in if I need it as my training volume and frequency increase.

Current numbers:
1200 calories
30g fat
75g carbs
155g protein

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week 1 Update

Ah, the week started so great. It appeared that this prep would go without flaw. Then I woke up Monday morning barely able to swallow - I'd already caught my first cold! I guess I wasn't thinking about immunity since it's mid-July and the average temp. is 94 degrees lately! My mistake, obviously. So, I took a week off training (at least I can afford it this far out) and am still fighting off the tail end of the cold. I would like to say I stuck to my diet, but I didn't have the energy between the 4th and 8th, not to mention I figured the extra calories would be good for my recovery.

Since yesterday, I've been back on the diet with a little less food than usual since I'm still not training 100% yet. I head out to Seattle on Thursday and I want to be fully recovered by then. What I can work on in the meantime is my flexibility, so that's what I picked back up with yesterday and will continue today and tomorrow.

My supplementation will change to add in the following immune boosters:
L-Glutamine & BCAA's (twice daily)
1000mg Vit C (in addition to multi-vitamin)
10mg Zinc
Optiflora Prebiotic & Probiotic formulas
Garlic Oil

Monday, July 02, 2007

L-E-T-S G-O!

An old cheer I used to do back in my high school cheerleading days, and a good phrase to kick off my 2007 season prep!

My trip to Seattle was canceled due to flight issues, but I am heading back out in 2 weeks. Today I have slightly under 15 weeks until my warm-up show, then another 5 weeks till Nationals. Here are my beginning stats:

Height: 5' 7 1/2"
Weight: 157.7
Bodyfat: (Omron handheld) 15.0% Male, 21.8% Female
Goal Weight: 140 lbs.

NOTES: By setting a goal of 1 lb. per week lost (conservative), I will reach 143.7 lbs. prior to peak week, then lose approximately 5 lbs. of water during peak week. I will adjust the goal weight as I lean down and see how my body comes in. If anything, the goal weight will go down to possibly as low as 135 lbs. As for bodyfat, I don't track it to keep a goal number in mind, but I do check it now and again to view fluctuations between readings.

My first phase of training, I have already been following for the past 2 weeks to get myself into the groove. Here's the split:

M - PM: Back, Abs
Tu - AM: Routine/Conditioning (75 min.), PM: Cardio (running, 20 min.)
W - PM: Shoulders, Calves
Th - AM: Routine/Conditioning (75 min.), PM: Cardio (running, 20 min.)
F - PM: Legs
Sa - AM: Routine/Conditioning (75 min.)

I get a lot of work for chest and triceps through my routine strength training. However, I've cut out chest, biceps and triceps from my lifting split since I am happy maintaining them where they are, and actually I don't want them to get any bigger. If I feel any of these parts starting to lag, I will re-introduce them into my training program.

My lifting scheme is a moderate volume, moderate intensity program. I lift between 16-19 sets each for Back and Shoulders. Calves get 5-7 sets (planning to increase) and Legs get about 20-25 sets. This will slowly increase week by week during this first phase, and I will have planned back-off weeks before resuming a higher volume and intensity just prior to the competition date(s).

I will be setting strict numbers for macronutrients that I will keep track of daily through my FitDay online journal. This will let me know exactly what I am taking in so I can adjust my diet up or down based on my body's reaction in terms of rate of fat loss. I will keep fairly clean cheat meals in once a week until they start hindering me from meeting my goal weight. I will also have a higher carb day mid-week (Wed). This structure is a loose version of carb-cycling.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Week 7

Today was Day 1 of my 7th week in this current training phase. This will also be the final week, as I move into full-on contest prep next week! This will be a short and condensed week since I am going to Seattle on Thursday.

Day 1 (Mon) - Back, Abs, Stretching
Day 2 (Tue) - Strength & Conditioning
Day 3 (Wed) - Legs, Calves
Day 4 (Thu) - Cardio, Gymnastics
Day 5 (Fri) - Routine Choreography

I'll do an initial weigh-in on Monday morning to kick off my 15 week contest prep phase. I am ready to go!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Moving in to Precontest...

I am like any other human - it takes me a good 6 weeks to form a permanent habit. Knowing this, I like to start my competition training with a mental training starting about 2 months before the physical training begins. This is a time for me to get everything straight in my life, particularly my spiritual and mental self. Getting rid of stress, finishing open projects and not letting myself procrastinate help prepare me for the rigors of contest training.

I also let my body get used to the restricted diet and increased training frequency and volume, both a little at a time. And since my body reacts differently every time I start dieting, it gives me time to create a baseline diet and set the nutrition starting point.

All that being said, I've been "pre-prepping" since around the beginning of May. At my heaviest this off-season, I weighed a whopping 165 lbs., truly living up to my high school nickname "Big Lis"! Taking a full year off let me really dig in during the off-season and add a lot of quality muscle density, size and strength. Now, I don't have to play catch-up on my physique, and I can just coast that in while focusing primarily on my fitness routine, which has always been the weaker of the components for me. After about 8 weeks of pre-prep, I am now tightening up nicely and starting to show off my newly developed muscle. My current weight is 156, which is still high considering I competed at 135 last July. I don't know what my goal weight is - I go by appearance - but I figure it's between 135 and 140. I am going for the "tiny and tight" this year and hope the new size I added won't make me look too big.

This season will officially kick-off next week with a trip out to Seattle to train and learn this year's fitness routine with my coach and mentor, IFBB Fitness Pro Tanji Johnson ( Tanji is an incredible woman and competitor, taking the pro stage by storm last year, winning several titles and placing top 5 at the Arnold. She will be choreographing a hot new Beastie Boys-inspired routine for me to rock the stage in Dallas!

So, July 1 is the serious pre-contest phase. I'll be doing the NPC Grand Prix MD show in October as a warm-up for Dallas Nationals, so come July I'll have 15 weeks to lean down for the warm-up show, then another 5 to tweak and tighten for Nats if need be.

I invite you all to share me in my journey! This season is a bit like starting from scratch for me. I had a life-changing transformation last year and rededicated my life to Christ. I love competing and still would love to win, but every training session, meal and performance will be dedicated to Him and for His glory! So my personal theme this year is based off 1 Corinthians 10:31:

"Therefore; whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do
everything for God's glory."

Join me as I transform my body and take my athleticism to a new level, as I dedicate my physical self wholly to my God and to His glory!

Thanks for your support,

Monday, April 23, 2007

The End and Beginning

Well, I just finished my first full training phase for 2007! After 14 weeks of increasing up the pyramid with excellent strength gains and a solid improvement to my hamstring, I took a 10-day active rest/detraining phase (not by choice, I was traveling to three states for work!), and here I am going into Phase 2. Below are some key pointers to both Phase 1 and Phase 2.

2007 Phase 1: 1 Jan - 7 Apr
Training Length: 14 Weeks
-Focused on regaining strength in legs (due to hammy tear in July)
-Focused on regaining muscle in upper body
-Focused on building up training volume

Key Lifts in Phase 1 (Starting Stats vs. Ending Stats)
Lat Pulldown: Start: 100x10, Finish: 120x8
Deadlift: Start: 106x15, Finish: 215x4
Squat: Start: 135x6, Finish: 195x6
DB Shoulder Press: Start:40'sx4 , Finish: 45'sx8
BB Shoulder Press (Standing): Start:55x8 , Finish: 95x8
Leg Press: Start: 3-45'sx10, Finish: 4-45'sx8
Pullups: Start: 3 sets of 3, Finish: 3 sets of 7, 6, 5

-Gained mass in shoulders and upper back
-Gained some muscle back in quads and hams
-Increased volume each week. Volume per bodypart tracked:
Back: 13 sets, 20 sets
Shoulders: 13 sets, 18 sets
Legs: 12 sets, 22 sets

2007 Phase 2: 18 Apr - ?
Training Length: Undecided
-Shift over from bodypart-based split to exercise-based split
-Increase endurance/conditioning work
-Increase strength
-Begin Events training
-Begin Fitness Routine training (gymnastics, stretching, skills)

Key Lifts in Phase 2 (as of Week 2)
Bench Press: 135x4 (new PR!)
Dips: 3 sets of 10, 8, 8
Squat: 215x5 (new PR!)

New Training Split Layout
Day 1(Tu) - Bench Press & Chest, Back, Light Hamstrings, Triceps
Day 2(W) - Squat & Legs, Biceps, Calves, Abs
Day 3(Th) - Rest or Cardio
Day 4(F) - Deadlift & Back, Barbell Press & Shoulders
Day 5(Sa) - Conditioning, Full-Body & Events Training
Day 6(Su) - OFF
Day 7(M) - Cardio Conditioning or Gymnastics
*Grip work & conditioning added throughout each session

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Week 9 Update, 2007 Preview

The training life is gooooood... heck, life period is good! ROLF therapy on the hammy is helping after just one treatment. I'm deadlifting again, pain-free! Light weights, but happy to be "deading" nonetheless. Job is good, school is school, marriage is great, family is good, friends are great, GOD is great!

Quick summary over the past 9 weeks... Started BB squatting and light KB deadlifting, slowly increasing weight and volume week to week at an excruciatingly slow pace, just to be EXTRA safe. Continued increasing volume for back and shoulders, added ab training back in.

Areas to improve (aka stuff I never feel like training): Flexibility, Abs, Calves

General: My split just changed since for the month of March I am transitioning my training into exercise-based, rather than body-part based. A hectic travel schedule at work will make it tough to stick with anything consistently, so April is up in the air, but May should be a solid month for training.

Sport-specific training: I'm going to start gymnastics lessons after a few more ROLFing treatments and increased flexibility. I plan on taking a few lessons on olympic-style weightlifting to assist with cross-training efforts. I will take dance from a choreographer at my gym in July. I will begin training my fitness routine in July.

2007 Schedule
Nov 3 - NPC Body 1 Maryland State (Owings Mills, MD)
Nov 16-17 - NPC Nationals, baby! (Dallas, TX)

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Here is my current and updated supplementation program:


Every Other Day & Occasional
Flax Oil or Capsules
Soy Isoflavones
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Acetyl L-Carnitine
XocoMatte (chocolate-based antioxidant)
Alfalfa (nutrients & antioxidants)

With the start of my next training phase (April 2), I will be adding in more strength and muscle building supplements. They will include:

Universal Animal Pak (Multi-Vitamin)
BSN NO-Explode (Creatine) (Pre-WO)
Animal Nitro G (Sugars, Amino Acids) (Post-WO)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fit Figures Bodybuilding Workshop!

Hi everyone! It's time again to begin prep for the spring 2007 competition season, and we're kicking it off with our first event of the year - a bodybuilding workshop. The event will be held in Woodbridge, VA on Mar. 17, 2007.

This event is open to figure/fitness girls as well, because I believe that to be successful in either of these disciplines, you have to train and eat like a bodybuilder!

Topics include training, nutrition, supplementation, posing, goal setting/motivation.

Special guests include Kareem Petteway (WNBF Pro), Rachelle Cannon (NPC Figure & NPC Arnold Fitness Competitor). We will have a panel of professional figure and bodybuilding guests to answer your questions and offer advice.

Don't miss this this informative and exciting event!

For more information and to register, please go to:

The event flier is attached to this message.

Good luck in 2007 and hope to see you at a workshop!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Week 2

Day 1 (1/12/07 - Fri)
1. T-Bar Row 50x12 75x8 75x8
2. Lat Pulldown 90x12 100x10 110x6/drop/80x8
3. KB 1-arm Row (R,L) 35x8ea. 35x8ea. 35x8ea.
4. FM Lat Pulldown 60x12 60x10 60x10
5. Donkey Calf Raise 120x20 240x12 280x10 300x8 220x8

Time=35 minutes

Day 2 (1/15/07 - Mon)
1. KB Swings 35x20 44x15 53x15
2. BB Squat 95x12 95x12 95x10
3. KB Double Deadlift 2-35x10 2-35x12 2-35x10
4. Seated Leg Curl 60x12 60x10 60x10

Time=30 minutes
*Was hard to go easy... had to keep reminding myself. Legs are on a separate protocol from the rest of the body since they are recovering. Can't make it intense, can't do force reps, can't increase weight or volume.

Week 1

This program started on Jan. 4 (Thu). Four completed training days constitutes one training "week."

Day 1 (1/4/07 - Thu)
1. T-Bar Row 50x15 75x8 75x8
2. Lat Pulldown 100x10 100x10 100x7
3. Double KB Row 2-35x6 2-26x10 2-35x6/drop/2-26x6
4. FM Lats (R,L) 50x15ea. 60x12ea/drop/60x8,6
5. BB Curl 45x8 45x6/rp/2 45x4/rp/2

Time=35 minutes

Day 2 (1/5/07 - Fri) *First full leg workout since injury & without pain!
1. KB Swings 35x25 44x20 53x15
2. KB Pyramid Deadlift 53x15 70x12 80x8
3. BB Squat 95x10 135x6 135x6
4. Seated Leg Curl 70x12 70x10(R-20x5) 70x10(R-20x5)
5. Donkey Calf Raise 120x20 240x12 280x10

Time=40 minutes

Day 3 (1/8/07 - Mon)
1. DB Shoulder Press 25x15 30x12 35x8 40x4.5
2. Upright Row 40x12 40x12 50x10 (Right elbow hurts, have to lower weight/pressure)
3. 1-Arm KB Press (R,L) 35x5,4 35x8ea. 44x6ea. 53x3ea.
4. Bent Laterals 12.5x15 15x12 12.5x12
5. FM Shoulder 45x12 45x9 45x7

Time=38 minutes

Day 4 (1/9/07 - Tue)
1. FM Pushup 12, 8, 8
2. DB Incline Press 35x9 40x8
3. Rope Pressdown 35x10 35x10 35x9
4. Leg Extension (FLEX) 60x12 75x10 90x8rp4rp4

Time=25 minutes

Coming along...

Well, I am closer to recovery than I've been in the past 6 months! I did my first "real" leg workout two Fridays ago, and felt pretty good - maybe around 85%. Granted, my volume was nearly cut in half, but it's better than nothing! I've learned a great deal of patience and not to rush things, especially injuries! I am praying to be able to get back on stage in the late summer/fall, and to be in Dallas in November competing at Nationals again. I don't know what God is holding for me in the future, so I will try and roll with the punches and be content no matter what.

I am at least setting a loose training plan for 2007, since I am a planning freak, lol! I have app. 44 weeks until Nationals. Divide that up and you get 3 12-week phases and 1 8-week phase. My timeline goals are to be recovered well enough to resume regular leg training at the end of this 8-week phase (mid-March). Other phase goals are to begin taking dance lessons, and head into phase 2 by taking private gymnastics lessons. I want to be as prepared as possible, so I will condition and recover for the next 8 weeks prior to starting the lessons. However, this is a lot harder with a full-time job that requires some travel, plus going to school part-time. I will do my best to balance all without having to get EVERYTHING done, and without compromising my spiritual and family life.

For those that have read this far, thank you for stopping by my Blog to see what I've been up to. I appreciate your concern! Wish me the best as I wish nothing but the best to you in 2007 and beyond.



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