Wednesday, June 11, 2008

T-2 Weeks Training Schedule

Holding steady with training and diet. Trying to get even tighter before I head into peak week this Saturday. A few changes in the schedule this week to accommodate next week's training. Two-a-days every day this week!

Mon: Running Club (2.25 miles run/walk intervals - 35 min.); Back & Biceps
Tue: Routine Practice; Sprint/Walk-Jog intervals - 15 min.
Wed: Running Club (2.25 miles run/walk intervals - 30 min.); Legs
Thu: Routine Practice; Sprints (6 100-meter sprints with 2-3 minutes walk/recovery)
Fri: Shoulders/Chest/Tris; Routine Practice

*Peak Week begins*
Sat: Run 2.8 miles
Sun: Run 2.8 miles; Legs (80% volume/intensity)
Mon: Short Routine Practice then light/mod run w/ club; Back & Biceps (80% volume/intensity)
Tue: Routine Practice (last all-out); Shoulders/Chest/Tris (80% volume/intensity)
Wed: Short Routine Practice then light/mod run w/ club; Full Body Circuit (30 minutes)
Thu: Sprint/Walk-Jog Intervals - 20 min.; Upper Body Circuit (30 minutes)
Fri: Show Day 1!
Sat: Show Day 2!


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