Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday's Training: Shoulders, Triceps, Calves

Had to make up for my shortened tris workout the other day. Hit calves too, but they're still getting used to the training so volume is still low.

Seated DB Shoulder Press 25'sx15; 35'sx10; 40'sx8; 45'sx4.5-35'sx3.5
Machine Shoulder Press 30x12; 40x11; 40x10; 45x6-30x4
1)Upright Row 50x12; 50x11; 50x10; 50x10
2)DB Scaption 10'sx10; 10'sx10; 10'sx10; 10'sx10
Assisted Dips 40x10, 40x8
Reverse Grip Triceps Pressdown 30x10; 25x8; 25x6-20x4; 20x10
Seated Hammer Calf Raise 10'sx18, 25'sx12, 25'sx12


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Thursday's Training: Legs!

Get some! Legs is still the mentally toughest workout for me. I finally feel like I'm getting back into my old groove.

Free Motion 1-legged Squat (R,L) 40x13,12; 50x12,10; 60x12,10; 70x12,10; 80x12,10; 90x10,8
Kettlebell Double Traditional Deadlift 2-44'sx12; 2-44'sx12; 2-44'sx12; 2-44'sx12; 2-44'sx10
1)Leg Extension 60x12, 75x10, 75x10
2)Right Leg Extension 20x5, 20x6, 20x6
3)Lying Leg Curl 50x12, 50x12, 50x10

Total Sets=17 (20 for right leg)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wednesday's Training: Run; Chest/Tris

Workout #1: Morning Cardio
Off to a good start today. Weather was a bit cool, windy and overcast but still a great day to run. I did my favorite 2.8 mile loop on the running path. Finished in 26:50.

Workout #2: Chest/Tris
I had some Graston done on my left hammy today, so the chiro wanted me to do some knee flexion to encourage the new tissue to lay down properly.

Had a pretty good workout today. Killed chest. Intensity could've been a tad higher near the end, but I ran out of time to finish since people were talking to me and I had a client immediately after. Maybe I'll hit triceps a little tomorrow, or friday after shoulders.

Leg Curl - Seated 40x15, Unilateral 10x10ea., Lying 50x10

Incline DB BP 25'sx15; 35'sx12; 45'sx9; 45'sx7
Hammer Wide Chest Press 15'sx20; 25'sx15; 25'sx15; 35'sx12
1)BOSU Pushup x12, x12, x13
2)Flat DB Fly 15'sx10; 15'sx10; 15'sx12
EZ Tricep Extension 30x12
V-Bar Tricep Pressdown 30x12

Hams=4 sets
Chest=14 sets
Triceps=2 sets

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tuesday's Training: Routine Practice; Back/Biceps/Abs

Workout #1: Routine Practice (12:00-13:00)
I do a general warmup (sprinting, jogging, lateral foot work) for about 5 minutes, then specific dynamic warmup plus stretching for 10-15 minutes. The rest of my practice (45-50 minutes) is dedicated to working on new strength moves. I'm not trying to build my conditioning as of yet.

Workout #2: Back, Biceps, Abs (18:15-19:00)

I used to always do my pullups first, but had a hard time isolating my lats. Now I pre-exhaust with straight-arm pressdowns and my lats are killing me by the last set of pullups. I favor unilateral work since my right side is a little less developed. I always do the right side first and do 2-3 extra reps on every set for the right side.

Straight Arm Pressdown 50x15; 60x12; 65x12
Assisted Pullups (Wide Overhand Grip) 90x12, 80x12, 70x8
Hammer Low Row 45'sx12; 45'sx10; 45'sx10; 45'sx10
DB 1-Arm Row (unsupported) (R,L) 35x12,10; 45x10,8; 40x11;10
Free Motion Narrow Lat Pulldown 60x12, 60x9, 60x10
EZ Bar Curl 40x12, 50x8
Rope Curl 45x12, 40x10
Hanging Leg Raises (straight up high, superset with bent) x15; x8,4; x8,4

Back=16 sets
Biceps=4 sets
Abs=3 sets

Monday's Training: Shoulders & Calves

I hate training calves, but I've decided to put them back in. So I'm starting out with just one exercise until my body gets used to it. Had a kick-butt workout all-around.

DB Arnold Press 20'sx12; 25'sx10; 30'sx6,2; 25'sx10
Machine Shoulder Press (alternate anterior, medial) 30x12, 30x10, 35x12, 40x8-30x7
1)DB Scaption 10'sx10; 10'sx10; 10'sx12; 10'sx12
2)Upright Row 50x8; 50x8; 50x10; 50x10
Standing Calf Raise 45x12; 75x12; 75x8-45x7


Monday, October 06, 2008

Off-Season Training Programs

Hey all,

I just wanted to let you know that my schedule has opened up quite a bit as I'm transitioning into full-time college student! That being said, I have more openings to take clients for online training. My featured service is off-season training programs.

Here's a rundown of the service. Please contact me if you're interested in getting started or learning more!

Off-Season Programs
Don't let your competition get the better of you. Continue working hard and smart by optimizing your training and nutrition for the most effective off-season. Plans focus on bringing up lagging body parts to balance out symmetry while staying relatively lean. Periodization will be used for the best results.

Individual Services
Off-Season Diet - $100 first month, $50 thereafter
Off-Season Training - $100 first month, $50 thereafter
Off-Season Supplements - $20 first month, $10 thereafter

Package Combos
Diet/Training/Supplements - $210 first month, $95 thereafter
Diet/Supplements - $110 first month, $55 thereafter
Diet/Training - $190 first month, $90 thereafter

I ran the Army Ten Miler!

Well I finished the race and it was incredible! I wasn't that excited going into it, but once we got started I got fired up. This race is the best of its class. 26,000 registered runners make it the biggest 10 miler in the nation. Dave and I arrived just after the Golden Knights parachute team made their jump. We saw the last one making his descent.

Throughout the race, Army bands were playing music to keep us pumped. The thousands of volunteers made this event so incredible; I am grateful for their service. Running through Washington DC is an awesome experience. With no traffic and transportation on foot, you can see all the museums, monuments and rivers. The weather was a perfect sunny day, 55 degrees at the start of the race.

I made my best time yet, finishing in 1:43. Here's a picture Dave took just after I finished. Even though you're not supposed to photograph it, that's the Pentagon behind me!

Oh, and after we got home, Dave cooked me a huge breakfast from scratch: eggs, sausage, toast with orange juice and coffee. He's the best!


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